Born in 1958, in Kishinev, Moldova (formerly the Republic of Soviet Union)
Resides and works in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States

Selected Exhibitions

2023   World of Threads Festival 2023, Local, National & International Contemporary Fibre & Textile Arts, Chair and curators Dawne Rudman and Gareth Bate, Queen Elisabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre, Oakville, Ontario, Canada

Gilda Snowden Memorial Exhibition, The Scarab Club, Detroit, MI

Small Tapestry International 6: Beyond the Edge, The American Tapestry Alliance, Orville J. Hanchey Gallery, Nonwestern State University, Natchitoches, Louisiana, Augustana Teaching Museum of Art, Augustana College, Rock Island, IL

Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center, Birmingham, MI

Paperwork Exhibition, The Scarab Club, Detroit, MI

Heallreaf, West Dean College, West Dean, West Sussex, UK

World of Threads Festival, Queen Elisabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre, Oakville, Ontario, Canada

American Tapestry Biennial 10, Visions Art Museum, San Diego, CA, Kent State University Museum, Kent, Ohio, Kaneko, Omaha, Nebraska

Fiber Exhibition, The Scarab Club, Detroit, MI

Sensitive Art, BTG Show, Quilt Museum and Gallery in York, UK

Selected Exhibitions From 2012

Tapestry Mischief, BTG Show, Gracefield Arts Centre, Dumfries, UK
Gifts of Art’s, University of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor, MI
Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center, Birmingham, MI
Claymasters and Dreamweavers, The Gallery By The River, Contemporary Tapestry Weaving, Royal Oak, MD
The Lady Liberty Project American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan’s, Detroit, MI
Janice Charach-Epstein Gallery, West Bloomfield, MI
Memorial Tapestry, Collaborative International Project to pay tribute to the heroes of the September 11 tragedy, Director Monique Lehman, American Tapestry Alliance
Fiber Invitational Exhibition, The Scarab Club, Detroit, MI
Weaving Flags + Ringing Bells, The Laurie Ticsh Sussman Gallery at The Jewish Community Center in Manhattan, NYC, NY
By Women’s Hand, Osher Martin Jewish Community Center’s Gallery, San Rafael, CA
17th Annual Hoyt National Art Show, The Hoyt Institute of Fine Arts, New Casle, PA
Seventh Biennial Fiber Show, Ella Sharp Museum, Jackson, Michigan (Jury Choice Award)

Selected Commissions

1998 Jerusalem Gates, Tapestry, Jewish Home and Aging Services, West Bloomfield, MI
2002 Flames, Tapestry, two panels, Jewish Home and Aging Services, West Bloomfield, MI
2018 The Sacred Dance of Life, Tapestry, First United Methodist Church, W. Stillwater, MN

Selected Publications

The Search For My Own (Article), Tapestry Weaver, The British Tapestry Group Magazine, Issue 10, June 2013.
Living Religions, 9th edition, Author: Mary Pat Fisher, image Miriam Dancing, Laurence King Publishing Ltd, London UK, 2013
Color, ATA forums for the year 2012
Best of Michigan, book by Kennedy Promotions Inc. Tapestry Passage- Second Place, Tapestry Tsunami Wave- Honorable Mention
Weaving Flags + Ringing Bells, the Jewish Women’s Project, Catalog, and invitation. The Laurie Ticsh Sussman Gallery at The Jewish Community Center in Manhattan, NYC, 2002
Weaving New Rhythms: Diary 2002, Rubicon Publishing Inc., Canada, 2001
FIBERARTS, Magazine of Textiles, 1998 Nov/Dec
The Guild, Art for the Wall, 1997